Success Story: An Amazing Journey to Sobriety

“They fought to only keep me in [rehab] for 14 days; they didn’t want to pay for 30, and I knew that wasn’t enough for me,” Rasco recalled. “They didn’t want to put me in a halfway house. I knew I needed a half-way house.” Recovery experts say one reason is the fact that addiction is agonizing and hard to treat. While tragic, the 100,000 fatal drug overdoses last year actually claimed the lives of a tiny percentage of the 31.9 million Americans who use illegal drugs.

  • Ryan was a “sweet, sensitive man” who’s expecting a baby with his fiancée, Shannon.
  • I didn’t know that I had so much potential to help people.
  • I am the third of four sons, each about two years apart.
  • Bill used drugs for thirty years from the age of 11.
  • It was the most stressful time for our family.

May all your loved ones find recovery; may all of you find the hope and success that CRAFT can provide. I am so happy for you – and yes, I know the feeling of not wanting to jinx anything. Allies in Recovery has really helped me to be the best advocate for my daughter who is also thrilled with her new life. My son is now in his 5th week of outpatient treatment.

The Ultimate Guide to Sober Living: Tips, Resources, and Success Stories

As alcoholism took over, Dan lost his job, and his wife divorced him, taking their three kids with her. Dan was filled with self-loathing and shame, so he drank more to bury the feelings -– he was in a vicious cycle. “I’ve seen my dad slowly die sober success stories over the past couple of years; you just kind of deal with it,” his son admitted. “I love beer; it doesn’t matter what kind it is,” Dan said. Despite Dan being a talented hockey player, his alcoholic father never believed he was good enough.

sober success stories

The “pink cloud” ended when my sponsor said that I had to clean up the mess I had made of my life and all the people that I had harmed. That was when it got difficult and I started having doubts about recovery. You have to address what led you down the path to wanting to alter your state in the first place.

Stories of Recovery from Substance Use Disorder

By this time I had been sober for three weeks and I had made plans to go for a five-day inpatient evaluation approved by the PHS director. I went to an addiction treatment facility with a program designed specifically for health care professionals. At the end of the extensive five-day evaluation, it was suggested that I stay for an extended period of time.

By this time, I could not go for more than a couple of hours without feeling withdrawal symptoms including hot flashes, sweats, palpitations, and the shakes. I would awaken during the night in withdrawal needing to take some alcohol to be able to get back to sleep. I began to need to drink just to feel normal. I was sliding down a very slippery slope without a solution.

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