Kudzu Recovery Mechanism for Alcoholism: How It Works

If I had been committed to using it to wean off of alcohol and then quit, it might have been a very valuable part of my recovery. I did not know at the time that people also use it to treat alcohol withdrawal symptoms; nor did I care, because I did not intend to quit at the time. Kudzu is being investigated for treatment of alcohol use disorder and cervical spondylosis; the estrogenic activity and cardioprotective effects of kudzu and its constituent puerarin are also under investigation. However, limited clinical studies exist to recommend use for any indication. So when I return to moderate drinking in February I plan to stick to abstinence, at least three days a week.

Could a Chinese herb stop you drinking too much? – BBC

Could a Chinese herb stop you drinking too much?.

Posted: Sun, 24 Jan 2016 08:00:00 GMT [source]


kudzu to stop drinking

It’s important to note that these studies used kudzu extract, which may have contained other parts of the kudzu plant besides the root. Thus, scientists need to do more research in this area on the effects of kudzu root specifically. While the blood flow theory of kudzu for alcoholism may be true, there is likely more going on here.

  • Written informed consent was obtained from the patients for the publication of this pilot study and the accompanying data.
  • NPI-028 contains the extracts of several plants including Puerariae lobata (kudzu) and Citrus reticulata, which have long been used to lower intoxication (Sun, 600).
  • Other ALDH inhibitors, such as disulfiram (Antabuse) and calcium citrate carbimide (Temposil), have also been shown to suppress ethanol intake of laboratory animals and are thought to act by inhibiting the metabolism of acetaldehyde produced from ingested ethanol.
  • Additional studies using treatment-seeking alcohol-dependent persons will be necessary to determine the usefulness of this herbal preparation in reducing alcohol use in other populations.

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While you can find kudzu vine almost anywhere in the South by taking a drive on a country road, kudzu root is probably most popular by way of a supplement or as kudzu root tea that can be found at most health kudzu to stop drinking food stores. However, look closely at the label to make sure you know how much kudzu is in it. Some have reported that the labels are misleading, claiming more kudzu contents that there really are.

kudzu to stop drinking

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  • Effect size is reported using the variance-accounted for statistic Partial Eta-Squared (η2Partial).
  • Recently, unique discoveries have been made pertaining to the actions of bitters, and a family of 30 specific bitter flavor receptors in the GI Tract.
  • In fact Lin et al. [4] suggested the anti-craving effects of these compounds may be due to CNS mechanisms.

A study published in Psychopharmacology involved four weeks of treatment of 17 men ages 21–33 years old. These men reported drinking 27.6 ± 6.5 drinks/week with a diagnosis of alcohol abuse and/or alcohol dependence. The study consisted of a 2-week baseline period, 4 weeks of medication (subjects were randomized to either kudzu extract or placebo treatments) and a 2-week follow up period. Medication adherence was excellent and there were no adverse events, changes in vital signs, blood chemistry, renal or liver function.

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kudzu to stop drinking

By affecting estrogen in the body, kudzu may decrease the effectiveness of some drugs. Regardless, if you’re on any medication, make sure https://ecosoberhouse.com/ to check with your doctor. The kudzu plant actually produces fragrant, purple blossoms, which are made into jellies, syrups and candies.

Declinol utilizes a proprietary and patent-pending encapsulation technology that enhances the absorption and bio-availability of its herbal compounds. The active ingredients are all encapsulated, or enveloped, using specific processing techniques, within phosphatidyl choline based spheres that act as transport vehicles. The process mimics natural actions that take place within the gut to enable proper absorption of nutrients, especially phyto-nutrients and fat soluble vitamins. The body’s own process in this regard creates micelles, single layer or unilamellar spheres in the size range of approximately 100 nanometers that typically can transport single nutrients.

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  • For this mechanism to be plausible, the more rapid penetration of alcohol into the brain would have to trigger a satiety mechanism rather quickly such that the desire for the next drink is delayed—thus interrupting a binge episode.
  • Nonetheless, there have been a few intriguing studies suggesting that after taking kudzu supplements people drink less, almost without noticing.
  • Nevertheless, it may be a good idea to avoid if you use blood thinning or diabetes medications.

Are there any side effects associated with taking kudzu for alcoholism?

Kudzu and Menopausal Symptoms

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