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Net 3.5 on windows 10

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Сьюзан, – сказал.  – Дай мне двадцать минут, чтобы уничтожить файлы лаборатории систем безопасности. После этого я сразу перейду к своему терминалу и выключу «ТРАНСТЕКСТ». – Давайте скорее, – сказала Сьюзан, пытаясь что-нибудь разглядеть сквозь тяжелую стеклянную дверь.


Net 3.5 on windows 10.Cara Install Net Framework 3.5 Windows 10

just change the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU\UseWUServer to 0, restart the Windows Update service and then try to. NET Framework service pack 1 is a cumulative update that contains many new features building incrementally Framework , , , and includes. Framework contains many new features building incrementally Framework and , and includes.


Net 3.5 on windows 10.Install the .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 8


NET Framework 3. I’ve tried going to Features and ticking the box for enable. NET 3. Message is about the certificate’s validity and the timestamp. It won’t even accept the MS. Am needing this for our phone system, Toshiba Call Manager. Oh, and the time is correct on the computer Dell Vostro Any help appreciated! Open regedit make the following change you may have to restart after change Open optionalfeatures.

Although I’ve had that method fail. The method of leaving and rejoining the domain has worked for me in the past as well. Are you using Neh 10 Home edition or Professional?

Try ignoring using Windows Updates. Ok, this might not be ideal but it’s a fix I stumbled across and it works every time for me. Disjoin from the domain, login using a “local” administrator account, add. There is no need to do that. Put the source files on a server the user has access to. You can use the registry edit above to tell the workstation not to use the WSUS server temporarily but why go through that and have to download the source files each time?

Use the DISM method. Open regedit make the following change Open optionalfeatures. What has worked for me in the past is going into Net 3.5 on windows 10 Features, uninstall. Net 4. I have always had the greatest success with taking the net 3.5 on windows 10 by restoring the machine to a local workgroup, and removing it from the domain. Then installing. I have tried other solutions that have been offered in this thread windlws well as those I found on the internet, with limited success.

It should do if you do it as your first job. Yes, this was the fix for me, too, Christopher. We have a WSUS server, and once the workstation is pointed to it for Windows Updates, it would never complete the install of 3.

I just install that now before joining a new workstation to our network. This right here is the best answer. The suggestions to hack the registry will work, but they are just treating the symptom. Adam’s solution fixes the problem.

You can either spend a lot of time getting individual machines to bypass your GPO settings, or you can just fix the GPO settings. There is a reason this is so difficult on recent editions of Nnet OSes: Once.

These may be tolerable risks in the context a tightly controlled internal application, but I wouldn’t 100 them on a publicly accessible application or IIS website. Some of these allow the execution of arbitrary code. Widows the other hand, if you have any chance of either getting an updated program or recompiling the code under a newer. NET version yourself, I’d advise doing so. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting.

To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. Is it already Monday? The weekend felt like it went by faster than usual. Speaking of time going by quickly, back on August 8,when Netscape Communications went public, and turning an unprofitable inter Welcome to another Monday.

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Login Join. Home Windows Windows 10 Need fix for: Windows net 3.5 on windows 10 won’t install. Thanks, Linda Spice widnows Reply Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. Spice net 3.5 on windows 10 flag Report. Classic problem. My qindows fashioned way: Download a copy net 3.5 on windows 10 the Offline Dotnet 3. JCAlexandres This person is a verified professional. Spice 1 flag Report. New contributor pimiento. OverDrive This person is a verified professional.

Spice net 3.5 on windows 10 flag Report. Hayes wrote: Open regedit make the following change Open optionalfeatures. This is what works for me.

Eric This person is a verified professional. Mike has the solution. Mathew This person is a verified professional. I’ve always had to do this when installing Windows I don’t think it has ever worked when trying to install it the “proper” way. Plenty ways to skin a cat Spice 1 flag Report. Baxio This person is a verified professional. Mathew wrote: I’ve always had to do this when installing Net 3.5 on windows 10 Jim Blair This person is a verified professional.

I haven’t had an issue with that since What version of windows 10 you on? John This person is a verified professional. John жмите Yes, this was the fix for me, too, Christopher. OP lapummel This person is a verified professional. Got it to install! Thank you so, so much!!! Linda flag Report.

Me too! Sleep well at night. Read these next


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